Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hi all,

I've just returned from Sydney NSW and had a fantastic time but was underwhelmed by the amount of quality Street Art, maybe the following article is part of the reason for such an underwhelming presence in the Harbour City.

Excerpt from The Sydney Morning Herald
"Graffiti now a $100m crime in NSW
February 20, 2009
Tougher laws for graffiti offences will outlaw the carrying of marker pens and etching implements in NSW in some instances, the state government says.
The laws, which come into effect today, follow last month's government announcement that graffiti crime was escalating and costing NSW more than $100 million a year.
The package of new laws will help tackle the proliferation of graffiti, NSW Attorney General John Hatzistergos said.
"The community has had enough of having to repair damage left behind by this senseless crime," Mr Hatzistergos said in a statement.
The legislation makes it illegal to possess implements with the intention of using them to damage or deface premises or property, a law previously applicable only to spray paint cans.
Fair Trading representatives and police officers will also be able to issue on-the-spot fines to retailers who fail to properly secure spray paint cans.
Damaging or defacing property carries a fine of $2,200 or six months jail, while possessing an instrument suspected of being used to graffiti property attracts a fine of $1,100 or three months jail. "

Of course this is not the full outline of the new law but you get the idea.
People who sexually assualt, violently abuse, speed and steal get lighter sentences than this, what is it with a society that is more offended by the scribblings and artwork of Urban community members that of what have been recognised as crimes that cause long term physical, mental and emotional trauma.

I've never been happier to "Stick it to the Man"

Here are a couple of pics for you.
Take it Easy.
The ManAnchor.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Natural Disaster and Life goes on.

Bad news about the weather and the current situations that communities and individuals find themselves in. I will acknowledge that I am deeply concerned for their welfare and that of our native fauna and domesticated animals.

Aside from that life will continue and The ManAnchor will continue, I am about to journey to NSW and hope to get a few more Soft Kocks up (no pun intended) and maybe deliver a slightly different drop off piece that I have been working on.

If your listening or watching check out ReFace on the ABC website it's a great opportunity to read about other street artists and to see their work it's also a fantastic chance to get your own work out there, I know I did. So in the words of the ephemeral Trent from Punchy...."Check it!"

Take it Easy

The ManAnchor.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Under the Road in the beginners Space.

I managed to get out and get the other Soft Kocks documented, here they are for your viewing pleasure.

The ManAnchor.