Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Natural Disaster and Life goes on.

Bad news about the weather and the current situations that communities and individuals find themselves in. I will acknowledge that I am deeply concerned for their welfare and that of our native fauna and domesticated animals.

Aside from that life will continue and The ManAnchor will continue, I am about to journey to NSW and hope to get a few more Soft Kocks up (no pun intended) and maybe deliver a slightly different drop off piece that I have been working on.

If your listening or watching check out ReFace on the ABC website it's a great opportunity to read about other street artists and to see their work it's also a fantastic chance to get your own work out there, I know I did. So in the words of the ephemeral Trent from Punchy...."Check it!"

Take it Easy

The ManAnchor.

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